Choice of language
The site can be searched in the 5 languages of the countries that produce the databases: French, English, Italian, Spanish and German.
The search results screen and all system messages are in the language you’ve chosen, but the records retrieved will be in the language of the originating database.
The choice of language is made on the homepage, or a different language can be selected on any page of the website, except those containing search results, by using the codes on the right side of the navigation bar (de=German; en=English; es=Spanish; fr=French; it=Italian).
Once a language has been selected, you will be asked to provide identification before you can access the search pages. There are two ways to gain access:
IP address recognition - in this case just click on the Autologin button to continue.
Username and password required - enter your username and a password to continue.
The current session will be closed automatically after 15 minutes of inactivity (i.e. you have not carried out a search, clicked on the menu bar or clicked on a link); when this happens, any current search will be lost and it will be necessary to log in again to carry out a new search. You also may close a session yourself by clicking on the Logout button on the top navigation bar.
Choosing a Database
After logging in, a welcome page appears; to continue, select a database from the left-hand navigation bar. In each database you can choose between two search screens: “Search by Field” and “Search by Index”. Both can be selected through a submenu on the left-hand navigation bar. On both search screens you can use “Smart search”, a quick and easy search of all fields of the database for the terms chosen (similar to a search in internet search engines). Specific database information and help pages are available for each database.
At any time you can select another database for searching. Note that you will loose the results of your last search when changing database.
New Customers
New requests for access to Urbadoc should be addressed directly to the database producer in that organisation’s country or in the country where your language is spoken; contact details can be found on the Contact Us page.
Urbadoc is a project of the Urbandata Association