
The Urbadoc project was implemented by the following four Institutes that are committed to promoting the dissemination and exchange of information on urban planning and related disciplines:

  • Archinet, association for information on architecture (IUAV, CNBA, ERVET) (Italy)
  • Urbamet Association (IAURIF, DGUHC-CDU of the Ministère de l'Equipement, INIST) (France)
  • Centro de Información y Documentación Cientifica (Spain)
  • Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (Germany)

The databases present in our search engine, are:

  • Archinet (Docet, Bibliodata, Urbanismo), produced by the Archinet Association (Italy)
  • Orlis, produced by the Deutsche Institut für Urbanistik (Germany)
  • Urbamet, produced by the Urbamet Association (France)
  • Urbaterr, produced by the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales of the CSIC (Spain)

Searches are cumulative by default but can also be performed in a single or several databases.